
Action Sports Academy

Taking Athletes Beyond the Basics…to Excellence.

“We are a highly experienced team of players and coaches dedicated to helping student athletes obtain college scholarships, pursue their dreams, and succeed in life.” 

What We Do

We give young men and women the coaching, training, and exposure they need not only to obtain a college scholarship, but to excel—as an athlete and as an individual. Our programs go beyond the basics to improve athletic finesse, build character, produce college athletes, and develop successful young men and women.

Who We Serve

We serve post-high school athletes who have what it takes to become college athletes.

The Premiere Post-Graduate Training Academy

Action Sports Academy is an immersive post-graduate program that produces college athletes and develops successful young men and women.

Our highly experienced and credentialed staff is dedicated to developing talented and capable athletes, both on and off the court and field, in college and beyond. Since 2012, our program has yielded college scholarships for over 150 athletes, with 30+ pursuing professional athletic opportunities beyond their college careers.

Our Programs


